I know it's stereotypical so I'm not going to give myself 'New Year's Resolutions' as I feel labeling it that is setting myself up for failure. So let's call them 'challenges' as they seem more realistic in a way. So these are my challenges for the year:
- To smile about at least one thing everyday. I need to remember life isn't that bad. My life isn't a constant hole of dread. I do have things to be happy about and shouldn't let all the negative things constantly rule it.
- To start working towards what I want to achieve. I need to stop procrastinating and moaning how much of a failure I am. By doing so I know that I will actually move closer to my goal.
- Try and overcome my obsessions. This one I know will be the hardest. I know I will probably struggle as I'm not well. I do need help and I have a lot of fears. But if I can overcome some of them then it's a step in the right direction right?

I'm kind of afraid to write anymore as I know that my list is actually pretty endless. So if I write too many down then I will be setting myself up for failure because let's face it, nobody is superhuman.
I guess what I need to remember is that no one else can make these changes but me. So that's exactly what I intend to do.
I hope.
Emily x
Image not my own.
Image not my own.