Thursday, 28 February 2013

Applying moisturiser could be damaging your skin...


Now this is something I found quite interesting. I was talking to one of the Clarins ladies at the Boots store I work at and she was telling me all about the new Double Serum product that Clarins have released. Something I've heard is absolutely amazing by the way, and if her skin was anything to do by then yes it works! I know I have no evidence to show you, but this woman is 56 and I wouldn't put her a day over 40! So if that's anything to go by I certainly think I'll be investing in the Double Serum Complete Age Control Concentrate 30ml  £55 from Clarins, when I'm older!

But we was also discussing all skincare in general and I was telling her about the moisturizer I use. She was pleased to hear at 'such a young age' I have such a committed skincare regime. But to me I didn't think I was all that different to everyone else to be honest. I assumed everyone cleansed and moisturized their skin. But she said in 18-25 year olds only about 55% have a committed daily routine. Now this is something I found rather shocking to be truthful! If you're one of the (as I now know) millions of women out there, no matter what your age you must start a good skincare regime! Believe me you will be doing yourself the world of good!

Back to the chat I was having. As I said we was discussing moisturizers and she said at my age not to worry too much about the expensive brands and specialist formulas, as long as I'm putting on one that meets my skins needs then I'm okay. So that was one good thing for me, means I can save on the pennies  As a skint student that is something I tend to find of extreme importance! However, she did tell me I was doing something wrong in the way I applied my moisturizer. 

Need to keep youthful!
Can't be aging too soon!
If patting my skin is the answer,
then that is what I shall do! :D
At first I didn't know what she meant. Surely there is only one way you can apply moisturizer  I thought simply rubbing it on to your skin was all that you needed to do. Well how wrong I was! Did you know that this is actually the completely wrong thing to do as it can actually be having an adverse effect! Apparently by simply rubbing the moisturizer into your skin you could end up tugging on it and this will then in time eventually cause sagging and wrinkles! Something that a lot of women actually apply face creams to avoid! 

So what is the right way to apply them I hear you ask? I've been informed the best method is to get your cream and put it into the palm of your hand. Then rub them together to get them completely coated in them. Then gently pat your face. This will ensure that your skin is getting all the nourishment it needs and benefit fully from the moisturizer, without tugging on it and causing a damaging effect!

Well they say you learn something new everyday and I think that will be something I shall certainly be giving a go. How about you? 

Emily x

I'm back...

Hello everyone,

So it's me again. That person who at the start of the year promised to be blogging much more regularly, and up until January I did achieve this! Okay I know it was only January but it weren't quite as bad as it sounds, I did manage the whole month! Well nearly. But anyway, ever since I've constantly been meaning to blog. I sit there and have so many ideas for article and things but juts never actually get around to writing about them. Which is probably due to many factors. One being that I'm just useless. Secondly, I seem to prioritize all the wrong things! I seem to procrastinate so much and just don't actually do anything. I can't even say that uni work is something that is taking up my time because it's not. In fact I've got two essays and a video project, all due in within two weeks. One of them being a politics essay! Something I have no clue about. Yet I find myself simply not bothering to do any readings or anything! What is wrong with me?!!! 

But I've come to the conclusion this is not on! If I want to get anywhere in the world I seriously need to get my act together and stop wasting so much time. I need to start doing my uni work, rather than filling my time browsing the internet, facebooking and spending my life of Twitter. Next I need to get back into my blog and Her Campus as a whole. I feel like such a let down! Why am I not more organised. It was something I always had such pride in the fact that I was always very motivated, organised and always kept my promise. Now look at me. What has my life become?

Well anyway I plan to make this change. I really want to start blogging again and will, yes WILL make it my mission to do so. I will write at least a weekly blog, offering some beauty tips I've found out. Plus probably mixed in with tales of my woes and just general misery! I have realised I'm quite a depressing person! 

I hope it doesn't come across too much in my blog posts! Please tell me if I'm too depressing as I will try to reduce this. I know it will only put off any readers I do manage to gain. After all who wants to read someone who's just so miserable all the time! Okay so on that note, this is my post to state my aims and intentions! It will be something I commit too. It will. If I fail in this then I might as well deem myself a failure at life right?

See I'm being depressing and pessimistic again! Another mission to stop doing that too!

Right I'm going to end of this note. But I can assure you I have full intentions of trying to make something of this and really hope that I will. Now all I need is to get some sort of readership....

Emily x