Something I've been noticing a lot is the way the beauty industry goes through phases of wanting everything to match, nothing to match, and a combination of various things matching! It's like with every new season we're supposed to try and switch our skincare and make-up products to suit this! So I've been thinking do we actually change with the seasons? Also, do I actually wear matching shades and what combinations do work well?

It's weird to think sometimes the trend is to match up your makeup and so suddenly it can change to colour clash! But guess it's the same with fashion trends and one minute were being told to clash prints and colours then the next it's all about complementary items! So it's perfectly understandable for beauty trends to do the same! It's interesting to see the beauty combinations advertisements from brands try and convince us to buy as well! But it's made me think how many women actually do follow the trends or whether it's now more often that we just continue to do our makeup just as we all always have done!

When thinking about myself I do actually match up my makeup a little! I don't do it conscientiously and therefore it's not something I consistently do but occasionally I find the colours I select are aimed at matching each other! One example being I always like to use a brown/goldy tinge/ shimmered colour on my lips either through a gloss or recently through a shimmery brown lipstick to compliment a brown or gold eyeshadow! Especially my Barry M Gold dazzle dust! Just as when I'm sporting pink eyeshadow I tend to wear either a shimmery colour or pinky tones! My personal favourite is when I'm trying to achieve a mega Girly pink look! So I will use a matte lipgloss in pale pink and combine it with a baby pink glittery eyeshadow!

However my makeup us often done in relation to what I'm wearing, for example if I'm wearing neutral shades such as beige I tend to go with either a goldy eyeshadow or brown colours but if I'm wearing pink shades then I'll go with pinks! Then with certain colours such as black it can vary depending on other factors such as the accessories I'm wearing! As if I'm wearing more silver based jewelerry I go for silvery tones in my make-up but then with gold jewelerry and accessories I go with a more gold theme! So my make-up combinations are very fashion dependent rather than being based on actual makeup trends!
Also I think it's quite interesting to see I do actually only try and match up my eyeshadow to lipgloss! Other than that my makeup is fairly consistent and doesn't get altered really to match other makeup items! Only time I really change colour of anything else depends more on whether I have a tan or not!
I do occasionally try and match up my fingernail colours to my toe nails, but again this isn't a necessity and often I end up clashing them! At the moment I'm actually matching a little as I've got a French manicure on my toes so guess you can consider that fairly neutral but then I've got gold glittery tops on my fingers! So adds a bit of glam but still not overboard and is complementary to the more neutral toes. A new colour combination I would recommend is a bright orange and pink!It's the perfect summer look and something that shouldn't work yet does oh so well! Bright colours not for you, try a more aqua feel and go for a mint green and turquoise combination! Again you think this would clash but it doesn't and looks highly effective!
I know when brands release their complementary products their aim is to get you to buy everything from their brand but generally I find most people don't and are much more likely to mix and match! It's more often that we use a mixture of brands depending on who we think is best for the job! For example if I wanted a new glittery eye shadow my go to is Barry M! But got shimmery lipsticks I like L'Oreal! That's not to say I wouldn't buy all from one brand but I just like most women don't see the need right now! But if a brand did release lots of products that worked together and was of reasonable price and quality I think most women would be more than happy to buy from the same!
So over to you, Do you mix and match? Or do you like to keep all to one trend?
Emily x